What is Blue Zone Forum – Innovazul?

Blue Zone Forum – Innovazul, in its 2024 edition, will bring together in Cádiz on November 20, 21 and 22 the best specialists in the blue sector with the latest technological advances, in an environment of collaboration and innovation to think, learn, share and build from everyone the points of view provided to advance the circular economy.

It will become a forum for reflection on the transition towards a more sustainable socioeconomic model based, mainly, on the oceans and seas as a great opportunity for the future of the planet.

It will be a experience in the city of Cádiz shared with all types of profiles related to the blue sector.

It will be the nucleus where the ideas and where the community itself will show its knowledge and tell its experiences.

will have experts, round tables, activities, workshops and networking, among other activities.

It will continue to be a reference in Blue Economy environments, regionally, nationally and internationally.

Why participate in Blue Zone Forum – Innovazul?

Maria Galvez

Oceanographer, environmentalist and mentor of INCUBAZUL .

“I believe that the sustainable Blue Economy can be a strong boost for economic development, sustainability, modernization and job creation. And Cádiz is the ideal place for meetings that address it”.

“There is a sea of ​​opportunities”

Damien Labrunie

Expert in business consulting, entrepreneur and mentor of INCUBAZUL .

“Ocean, natural park, tradition, innovation…Cádiz is the perfect location for the Blue Zone Forum – Innovazul”

"The Blue Economy drives us, as entrepreneurs, to innovate, imbued with the natural respect that the ocean instills in us."

Vanessa Sanchez

Business consultant on quality and environmental management and mentor of INCUBAZUL .

"Un Congreso Blue Zone Forum – Innovazul aquí, pues Cádiz es la ciudad más azul que conozco a vista de pájaro y Economía Azul porque los mares y océanos son la solución, si los salvaguardamos".

Marina Jimenez

Legal advisor for companies and mentor of INCUBAZUL .

"Un encuentro en Cádiz pues contamos con un enclave marino y marítimo único en Europa. Y sobre Economía Azul porque fomenta el crecimiento económico en pro del medio ambiente y el desarrollo sostenible”.

Why focus on the Blue Economy?

Because today the seas are the future, the great opportunity for the sustainability of the planet.

Because our province has the best resources in this sector: hundreds of kilometers of coastline, salt flats, rivers, regenerative tourism of reference, a unique naval industry and two large ports such as Algeciras and Cádiz.


The oceans generate 50% of the oxygen we breathe


The Blue Economy contributes 5% of World GDP. In Spain it generates around €32 billion annually and employs approximately 945,000 people.


Employment has grown 10% in Coastal Tourism and 25% in port activities


In between 19 and 23 million metric tons of plastic rubbish end up in waters around the world every year

Meet Incubazul

The High Technology Incubator INCUBAZUL , promoted by the Cádiz Free Zone , arose from the real need to attract ideas and projects related to the blue sector to the province of Cádiz, generating spaces of opportunity for entrepreneurship and enabling the arrival of new and attractive initiatives to the business fabric of the area.

The objective of Incubazul is the promotion of Innovation and Technology Transfer to micro-SMEs in the Blue Economy sector in Andalusia from Cádiz.

The program is open to all natural or legal persons established in the EU with initiatives and/or projects of a technological and innovative nature and from the Blue Economy sector.

The initiative offers a Comprehensive acceleration program with the full support of Telefónica's team of twenty-one mentors where space (physical and virtual) is shared with startups and training and mentoring programs, networking, access to financing, research and services are provided. among others.

Incubazul has the co-financing of 80% of the European FEDER Funds within the 2014-2020 Operational Program, A way of making Europe, through the INCYDE Foundation .


Attract young talent, entrepreneurs and investors.


Generate spaces of opportunity around the initiative.

Enable the arrival of technological initiatives around the blue sector, within the program INCUBAZUL
Promote and disseminate the startup acceleration program INCUBAZUL .

Disseminate accelerated projects in the initiative.

Promote the startup accelerator program INCUBAZUL as an initiative to accompany, feed and consolidate technology-based business initiatives.